Fertility Blog

by Jennifer Robertson

Does your mindset have the power to prevent you from falling pregnant? Mar 16, 2021

I have a confession to make.  There were so many times on my fertility journey that I just couldn't picture being a mum.  I couldn't imagine the feeling of being pregnant. I'd close my eyes and try to see it, but so many times, I'd just get a blank screen.

And it scared the shit out of...

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What SHOULD you be doing to fall pregnant? Mar 02, 2021

We get so caught up on what we SHOULD be doing in order to fall pregnant, that we stop doing the things we LOVE doing.

It happens gradually at first.  We introduce one thing we SHOULD be doing, and that doesn’t work.  So, we introduce another, and that doesn’t work...

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Increase your fertility with your eyes closed - the importance of sleep for infertility Feb 23, 2021

One of my all time favourite quotes is, YOU CAN’T BE BRAVE WHEN YOU’RE TIRED.

And when you’re struggling to fall pregnant or maintain a pregnancy, you need a level of bravery on par with Captain America.

Sleep is one of THE most important things to ensure we’re healthy and...

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How do you cope with anxiety when you're pregnant after infertility or pregnancy loss? Feb 16, 2021

You finally saw those two lines and felt pure joy and excitement.  You imagined holding your baby in your arms..... before fear stepped in and took over.

I thought pregnancy was the cure for infertility and my miscarriage grief. Turns out I was wrong.

Anyone who has ever fallen pregnant...

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Infertility and that room in your house set aside as a nursery for your baby Feb 09, 2021

Anyone who is trying to conceive or wants to have babies in the future has that room set aside.  You know, the one that accumulates baby things.  Hand-me downs from your sister or token items you purchase for when you’re pregnant.  That cute book you can picture reading them...

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How to deal with Infertility Grief Feb 02, 2021

When I was in my 20’s, I watched my father die of cancer and held his hand as he took his last breath.  I visited my grandmother and hugged her in the hospital the night before she died.  And this all happened a month apart! 

So, I was no stranger to loss and grief.  But...

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A surrogacy journey - tips for intended parents Jan 26, 2021

By the time we go down the path of surrogacy, we’ve usually been trying to conceive for quite some time.

Using a surrogate to carry our baby is more often than not THE last option in our bag of tricks after exhausting all possible avenues. IUI, IVF, invasive exploratory surgeries, diets,...

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Journal your way to peace on your fertility journey Jan 19, 2021

One of the lessons I learned on my fertility journey was that in order to heal, you must feel.

In my book, The Injustice of Infertility, where I share ALL of the lessons, I write –

“In order to heal, you must feel. And yes, that is so freaking difficult because the emotions and...

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Meditating may help you get pregnant - but how do you meditate if youโ€™re a Type A personality? Jan 12, 2021


One of THE most frustrating pieces of advice I was given throughout my fertility journey.

This was closely followed by, just go on a holiday and it will happen.

First of all, being told to relax has the opposite effect on ANYONE.

It’s the same as CALM DOWN. I know for a fact...

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INFERTILITY: Should we speak our truth at the risk of offending others? Jan 05, 2021

This question has been on my mind, due to a recent post I put up on Instagram.  It caused quite a stir and criticism, and got me thinking whether I had done the right thing.

Actually, in truth, it shot me straight into a vortex of confusion and shame. 

Which is exactly how I felt when I...

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JUST RELAX - the two most hated words when Infertility hits Dec 29, 2020

Those two little words.

THE most dreaded solution when you're trying to conceive. We hear them all the time.  And it has the ability to push us from calm to boiling point every single time.

I never truly understood WHY we hate those words so much until I found myself on a massage table...

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How I fell pregnant naturally after 5 years of struggling to conceive. Dec 22, 2020

My fertility journey started very normal. I met a guy, fell in love, got married, and decided to start a family.

That is where normal ends. Here’s where it went a little pear shaped………

I tried my darndest to fall pregnant naturally for 2 years. I tried everything, I...

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It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility.

But HOW do you reduce your stress, when infertility is stressing the heck out of you to begin with?

HOW do you slow down, feel at peace, achieve a little more balance in your life and say good bye to the inner struggle?


Download this free PDF for 3 simple hacks you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor.