Fertility Blog

by Jennifer Robertson

When you can’t picture yourself holding your baby in your arms. Aug 19, 2024

One of the things I struggled with a lot on my fertility journey, was not being able to picture holding a baby in my arms at the end of it. I had hopes and dreams before we started trying to conceive, but a couple of years in, and I just couldn’t imagine it anymore.

And it worried me....

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What to do when you’re consumed by infertility Aug 05, 2024

Infertility can feel all-consuming. It’s the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning, and it’s the last thought you have when you close your eyes at night. It changes the way you’re able to socialise with other people, it affects your relationship with your...

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Dealing with judgement on your fertility journey. Jun 17, 2024

I read some comments on a post over on Instagram the other day that were completely offensive to those who are trying in vain to have children via assisted reproductive methods. It made my blood boil, because it made me feel judged for the decisions I had made to create my family. Plus they were...

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How cold-water therapy can reduce your stress (and a whole lot more). Jun 04, 2024

I originally stumbled upon cold water therapy when the Whim Hoff method was at its most popular. I got caught up in it while it was trending, and then lost interest.

But since then, then I’ve incorporated hot-cold therapy into my life for other reasons, the most significant...

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Feeling buried by infertility? Here are some things you can put down right now. Mar 25, 2024

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and burnt out right now, you’re not alone. Competing priorities, impossible expectations, and a never-ending to-do list can do that to you. A lot of us are just living our lives in survival mode, trying to keep our head above water (while still trying to...

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What happens if this doesn’t work out how you planned? Mar 11, 2024

When you’re struggling to conceive, or to stay pregnant, this is a question we ask ourselves all the time.

What if this doesn’t work out?

What if all the shit I’ve put myself and my family through is all for nothing?

What if we don’t get our baby in the end?

But even...

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Letting go of self-blame on your fertility journey Feb 19, 2024

Last week I wrote a blog on all the things we blame ourselves for, and why these things are not your fault. You can read the exhaustive (and exhausting) list HERE.

I think deep down we know we’re being unreasonable in our self-blame, and that the things we’re blaming ourselves for...

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This is not your fault – and here’s why... Feb 05, 2024

We live in a world where it’s more important to find out who’s fault something is, rather than how we solve the problem. We point fingers, assign blame, and unfortunately get wrapped up in hate and judgement. That’s the outside world, and unfortunately, we can’t always...

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How do you stop obsessively googling on your fertility journey? Jan 22, 2024

Google can become an addition at the best of times, but when you’re struggling to conceive, it can get a little out of control.  You know it’s not helpful, but you can’t seem to stop yourself.  It interrupts your work-day – you sneak a google session in between...

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How do you put on a brave face, when struggling with infertility? Jan 15, 2024

I was asked a question recently by a woman who said she was struggling to put on a brave face. And it got me thinking…..

What is putting on a brave face?

Why do we feel like we have to put on a brave face?

And how do we evolve past this pressure, and rewrite what bravery actually is?


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Do you need to work hard, or do you need to relax, in order to have a baby? Jan 02, 2024

The longer you’re on your fertility journey, the more you question who you are, and who you need to be in order to get pregnant.  And if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while, you’re at that stage where you would do anything, and change everything about yourself,...

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Becoming Whole Again Dec 24, 2023

Infertility was the thing that pushed me over the edge. I blamed it for so many things.

Over the 7 years that were spent creating my family, it slowly chipped away at, and eroded my self-esteem, my sense of self-worth, my purpose, and my spirit. 

After so many negative pregnancy tests that I...

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It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your fertility.

But HOW do you reduce your stress, when infertility is stressing the heck out of you to begin with?

HOW do you slow down, feel at peace, achieve a little more balance in your life and say good bye to the inner struggle?


Download this free PDF for 3 simple hacks you can implement today to tip the scales in your favor.